His Faithful Persistance
Although I usually do a design blog, the Lord laid a certain topic on my heart to write about.
So here we go.
College. The time every adolescent longs for. The final release from the gruesome captivity of parenthood. No curfew. No vegetables (this one really came back to bite me). It's the time you can do what you want without any serious consequences. Who could have guessed that college could ever bring maturity into anyone’s life? Boy, did I learn that one quickly. The harsh reality of being forced into the adult world was one I didn’t enjoy. By the time the first week ended, all I wanted was for my precious mother to come hold my hand, introduce me to all my professors, walk me to class, buy all my textbooks, and make new friends for me. However lazy or fearsome my newly found adulthood made me, I thought I could handle it. So I took it and ran with it. Being a firm believer in experiential knowledge, I was quick to learn and experience as much as I could. I found myself obsessing over any lesson I could get my hands on. Whether looking more deeply into the political process, or finding out that eating poorly can actually (and finally) catch up with you, I wanted to learn it all. Along with this, I wanted to do the absolute best I could in my studies. With my siblings being perfect in that area, I had a lot of work to do. To my satisfaction, I made the Dean’s List. However, there was so much more missing.
I had tried in every way to bury every conviction I had. From my parents, siblings, youth ministers, and pastor asking me how my search for a new church home was going, I had no clue. I hadn’t even looked. The only thing I could keep thinking was:
What is wrong with me? Why can’t I seem to care?
I finally figured it out. I hadn’t been seeking Him at all. HA. It makes me laugh to think about it. Yes, He had been faithfully pursuing me, but I hadn’t been seeking Him to know Him. And then the adventure began. He blessed me with a hunger and thirst for the truth. Yes, I had grown up in church my whole life, and I had received the beautiful gift of salvation, but I wanted to know him so much more. From that point on, I joined a hearty, biblically sound church filled with seekers, just like me. People who didn’t have it all together, just like me. He filled my life with freshman on the road to biblical maturity,just like me. He also provided an accountability partner to walk daily with. This young lady discipled me and taught me how to love and read the Word more. First Baptist of Opelika was truly a gift from Him.
Summary: Thank you Lord for Freshman year. Without it, I would be wandering around with no purpose and with no eternal mindset.
Although I have absolutely no clue what I want to do with my life now, I wouldn’t replace this freshman year for anything. The Lord has been so gracious and faithful. He so meticulously and intricately placed events and people in my life to help shape and mold me into the young woman He has created and desired for me to be. I am so overjoyed and honored to be living in His will and be satiated in His grace.
So incoming freshman, don’t fear. The Lord is near, and ready to grow you in ways you will never see coming. Just “let go, and let God”.
Here’s to figuring out life day by day while seeking a deeper, intimate relationship with my Father.
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